Sunday, June 22, 2014

Blue Ridge Parkway.

Carole and I visited another National Park inn. This time the Pisgah Inn at milepost 408 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. We chose this weekend to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary since we both had to work through our actual anniversary date earlier in the week.

We only had to face about a three-hour drive to get to the Pisgah Inn so we didn't even have to leave all that early to get to the Parkway. But one thing about driving on the Blue Ridge Parkway is that the going is VERY SLOW. Even slower than the 45mph top posted speed limit. There is almost always heavy traffic at favored spots along the Parkway and often people merging in and out of the flow. So once you get to the Parkway itself, you just can't make good time.

Which is fine. Because the Parkway was meant to be savored.

Soon after our arrival. The window looks out on the balcony which has a door access.

This was the view that greeted us when we stepped out on the balcony.

Sunrise, this morning (06-22-2014).

This bunny was enjoying the clover beneath our balcony this morning.

And no mountain excursion is worth having if I can't get out to hunt for waterfalls and go hiking!


Vicki said...

Not many hotel rooms have a view like that!

James Robert Smith said...

They built it right on the edge of the ridge at 5,000 feet above sea level. We forgot to bring jackets with us!! Dumb mistake.