Sunday, June 28, 2009

Special Places

Have you ever been to a place that you didn't want to leave? I've been to a precious few such spots in my life. All park or wilderness locations. The first one was when I was fifteen years old--a little dot on the Appalachian Trail called Liss Gap. I was only there the one time and we stopped to rest. I wanted to stay, but a schedule was pulling us on.

There have been a few others over the years like Liss Gap. I generally stumble on these bits of geography once every five years or so.

But two in one weekend? Yeah. It's true. I'll write more about them later. Just now we need to unpack the truck. Here are a few shots I took at these places.

Big Lost Cove Cliffs, Pisgah National Forest, Curtis Creek Area.

HuntFish Falls. Pisgah National Forest. Curtis Creek Area.

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