Of course the king of all of these actors was Boris Karloff. He was the best of them, and the greatest.
Then we began to wonder who the “new” Boris Karloff was. Surely there must be an actor among the modern crop who filled the same niche as the old master, Karloff. One reason the list is short is because some actors, fearing themselves being typecast, will run from genre offers in hopes that something “better” will come along. Anyone remember Jonathan Frid? So, knowing there weren’t a lot of actors to choose from, we began to run through the very short list.
Brad Dourif?
Nope. One-off guy. Good actor and all that, but voicing a murderous doll in a series of movies doesn’t quite count.
Robert Englund? Nah. None of us figure he’s much of an actor, and all he ever did was play Freddie. A neat character and all that, but a one-note actor.
Christopher Lee? Well…maybe he would have fit the bill twenty-five years ago, but he’s rather long in the tooth (haha). He might count, as he’s quite the actor and has played quite a lot of monsters, including Dracula and Frankenstein’s monster. But we struck him off the list since he’s all but a contemporary of Karloff’s.
And then…for the longest time, we were just stuck. Finally, though, it occurred to me. Who was the actor I’ve seen the most who’s almost always covered in prosthetic makeup whenever he’s appeared in a feature film?
Ron Perlman.
He’s quite good, as actors go. Maybe not at the top of the heap of actors, and he could never really be a straight leading man (not with that mug!). But he’s quite effective in every role I’ve seen. And, of course, he’s almost always a monster or creature or in some altered state in just about every film.
The first time I saw him (Quest for Fire) he was a Neanderthal man, or some kind of archaic human. With that simian face of his, they didn’t need to add a lot of makeup.

As a voice actor, he has appeared as any number of monsters and villains and super-heroes in a range of cartoons, both theatrical and for TV.
So, there you have it, folks. There is a modern-day Boris Karloff. His name is Ron Perlman.

Nominee seconded, can I get a third confirmation? I agree on every piont and would like to also add that filming on HB2 is complete and we should see it July 11th in theatres
I can't wait! Del Toro is probably my favorite director right now.
Third that! My absolute favorite actor, hence the name of my blog. Very nice post you did here, like the pictures.
I've always like Ron Perlman. In addition to having a commanding screen presence, he has an amazing voice.
Don't forget he had to learn French for *City of Lost Children.* Not many could (or would) do that.
He was great in that one. Perlman is one of the best character actors around. Another film I liked him in was ENEMY AT THE GATES.
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