Thursday, December 19, 2019

A Very Good Shot

I figured I'd show this photo. Occasionally you luck out with timing when photographing wildlife. Mostly you miss the shot. But every now and again---like maybe once in 10,000---the critters will step up the the plate and give you a hit. Sometimes a home run.

In this case I was photographing a doe and her fawn in Stone Mountain State Park. They were lying down enjoying the sun before it set and they would have to deal with the cold winter night. They were both a bit alarmed at my sudden appearance and the doe was walking back and forth stamping her hoof on the ground to tell me that she was not pleased.

And as I took this shot, she moved between me and the fawn and I happened to snap the photo at what is--organically speaking--exactly the right moment. Yes, I admit that the photo was a tad out of focus due to the doe moving about, but it's still an excellent capture.

After this I turned my back on them and exited their presence so that they could go back to enjoying the fading sunlight.

"You shall not pass."

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