I'll be a guest at the local Charlotte ComicCon this Sunday.
I'll be selling and autographing copies of THE FLOCK. The hardback version is now officially out of print, so if you want a copy, I'm just about the only reliable source right now.
Musings on genre writing, waterfall wandering, and peak bagging in the South's wilderness areas.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Haunting the Appalachian Trail
Originally, I had intended to do some hiking on the Appalachian Trail last weekend. But since we had to curtail our original plans I didn't get to do that. We did stop at Neels Gap where the AT crosses the highway. We went into the Wasali Yi Center which has a hostel for hikers and a shop where folk can buy backpacking equipment and various trail supplies (such as food). The Center is the only place on the 2,000-mile Appalachian Trail that passes through a building, going through a breezeway there.

When I was a teenager, I hiked all of the AT that lies within my home state of Georgia. Hiking through Neels Gap as a kid is one of my favorite memories. Not much has changed there, fortunately. The store is more well supplied than it was in the old days, but other than that it was pretty much as I recalled it.

When I was a teenager, I hiked all of the AT that lies within my home state of Georgia. Hiking through Neels Gap as a kid is one of my favorite memories. Not much has changed there, fortunately. The store is more well supplied than it was in the old days, but other than that it was pretty much as I recalled it.

Photo I took from the top of Blood Mountain (above Neels Gap) in 1975.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Once Was, No More
Every day I am reminded of how our society thinks of construction. It's merely a process, apparently, and has nothing at all to do with the value of that which has been constructed. In the area where I work I see fine old houses bought up, then leveled so that three or four or five or six homes can be built on the same plot of land that once provided space to a single house. I see rich folk buying perfectly fine homes, and gutting them down to the bare stud walls and starting over. I've seen this done with homes in June, the house sells again in December, and in January the new owners repeat the process. It's bizarre and wasteful almost beyond belief.
When I was a kid the Forest Service was still using fire lookouts to spot fires. Ideally, three towers would take readings and the fire would be located via triangulation when the spotters radioed in the figures. Here in the South, full-time rangers would man the towers, usually on a shift by shift basis. Out west, where towers could be very isolated, the lookouts would sometimes be manned by full-time seasonal employees. Even Jack Kerouac once spent a spring and summer manning a lookout in Washington State.
By the time I was a teenager, these towers were being used less and less. The Forest Service was beginning to rely on spotter planes and, later, satellite imagery to pinpoint fires. Slowly, they stopped using fire towers entirely. And, having no more use for the towers, they began to either remove them, or allowed them to deteriorate.
Generally, I cannot stand to come across a man-made structure on an isolated mountain top. It bothers me to see a building or a house in the wilderness. Sometimes, it makes my blood boil. But I've never been bothered by seeing a fire tower when I get to the top of a mountain. These days the towers are generally locked up tight. No one drives or hikes up to use them anymore. But, to me, they're historical buildings. They're a part of how we managed and maintained our forests in earlier days. Sometimes for the good, and sometimes for the bad. But history they are.
Why does the Forest Service allow them to fall apart?
In the west, many fire lookouts are kept in good order and are offered as overnight lodging destinations for hikers. It would be great if this could be done with lookouts here in the East. However, there doesn't seem to be much of an effort to allow this. Nor does anyone seem interested in preserving most of our remaining fire towers as historical structures. It's a shame. All over the South fire towers are crumbling. Some are definitely not safe to climb, while others are still in relatively good shape.
This past weekend on my way to the top of Frosty Mountain, I found the location of the old fire tower that had once graced that Georgia summit. All that remains are the concrete footings. I haven't been there since I was seventeen years old, but I seem to recall that the fire tower was still there when I was in high school. The Forest Service has all but eradicated all evidence of that old structure.
So it goes.
When I was a kid the Forest Service was still using fire lookouts to spot fires. Ideally, three towers would take readings and the fire would be located via triangulation when the spotters radioed in the figures. Here in the South, full-time rangers would man the towers, usually on a shift by shift basis. Out west, where towers could be very isolated, the lookouts would sometimes be manned by full-time seasonal employees. Even Jack Kerouac once spent a spring and summer manning a lookout in Washington State.
By the time I was a teenager, these towers were being used less and less. The Forest Service was beginning to rely on spotter planes and, later, satellite imagery to pinpoint fires. Slowly, they stopped using fire towers entirely. And, having no more use for the towers, they began to either remove them, or allowed them to deteriorate.
Generally, I cannot stand to come across a man-made structure on an isolated mountain top. It bothers me to see a building or a house in the wilderness. Sometimes, it makes my blood boil. But I've never been bothered by seeing a fire tower when I get to the top of a mountain. These days the towers are generally locked up tight. No one drives or hikes up to use them anymore. But, to me, they're historical buildings. They're a part of how we managed and maintained our forests in earlier days. Sometimes for the good, and sometimes for the bad. But history they are.
Why does the Forest Service allow them to fall apart?
In the west, many fire lookouts are kept in good order and are offered as overnight lodging destinations for hikers. It would be great if this could be done with lookouts here in the East. However, there doesn't seem to be much of an effort to allow this. Nor does anyone seem interested in preserving most of our remaining fire towers as historical structures. It's a shame. All over the South fire towers are crumbling. Some are definitely not safe to climb, while others are still in relatively good shape.
This past weekend on my way to the top of Frosty Mountain, I found the location of the old fire tower that had once graced that Georgia summit. All that remains are the concrete footings. I haven't been there since I was seventeen years old, but I seem to recall that the fire tower was still there when I was in high school. The Forest Service has all but eradicated all evidence of that old structure.
So it goes.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Abbreviated Vacation
Originally, Carole and I were supposed to have had almost a week in the
Amicalola Falls, a series of seven cascades totaling 729 feet making it, arguably, the highest waterfall in the eastern USA.
So, Carole called to see if we could get two nights at the Len Foote HikeThis area supposedly has an

I was very impressed with the Len Foot Lodge. It was much, much larger than I had expected. The first thing you see is the covered breezeway with rock floor and Adirondack chairs and rockers. Then there's a set of stairs leading up to the office and the main lodge where the rooms are located. From there, you descend to the bathhouse which has a number of composting toilets, sets of showers and sinks. It was great to be able to take a hot shower after the long hike.
From the bathhouse you descend to the next level which is the dining hall which accommodates around 50 guests who all dine family style at three long tables. The meals proved to be quite substantial and the quality of the food excellent. I can't say enough good things about the fare offered. In addition, the chef keeps snacks in the dining area between meals and there is always tea, lemonade, apple juice, and water available for the taking. And the coffee pots are going continuously.
While Carole took a shower and went to our room to nap, I found myself still full of energy and decided to continue my hike. Grabbing some water and our camera, I hiked up to the Approach Trail (that takes you to the Appalachian Trail) and hiked to the summit of Frosty Mountain, the former site of a fire tower. The tower has been
At about five pm we got up and wandered around the Lodge until suppertime. The evening meal was spectacular. We had roast pork loin, roast vegetable medley, green beans, cornbread dressing, whole wheat rolls, fresh green salad with dressing; followed by peach pie with vanilla bean ice cream. It's all served
After dinner we sloshed away from the table and sat to enjoy a passing thunderstorm. It was fun to hear the thunder bouncing off the walls of the nearby peaks and coves, echoing round and round the high country. I'd forgotten how much fun it is to listen to a thunderstorm in the mountains. The rain was much needed and we were safe and dry so it was a very pleasant experience.
Relaxing in the Sunrise Room under the great ceiling fans after a hot shower.
At 8:00 am, breakfast was served in the dining hall. We had crisp bacon, sweet cornbread, grits, fried potatoes with onions, scrambled eggs, juice, and more coffee. After that, we took it
As with the hike to the Lodge, it took us right at four hours. Alone, I could have done it in about one hour fifteen minutes, but Carole is a slow hiker. We took our time with frequent stops along the way. We want to go back, but the next time we go we're going to stay at least two nights. If we'd had a longer stay, I would have hiked to Springer Mountain, the southern terminus of the Appalachian Trail. I haven't been there since I was seventeen years old and I want to see if it's as I recall it.
Georgia is very lucky to have a place like the Len Foot Hike Inn. If you ever get the chance to stay there, I highly recommend it. The staff was very friendly and the service was top-notch. In addition, there's nothing much like a stay in a wilderness lodge, away from the sounds and the stenches of modern life.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Return of the Bob-Thing PartX
We just got back from a very short vacation to the north Georgia mountains. I lived there when I was a teenager, but I rarely return. Which is a shame, because it's a scenic area with much to offer in the way of natural resources. I'll write more about it once I've recuperated from the physical activity and the long drive back home. In the meantime, here are a few visuals:
Blood Mountain (on the far left) and related peaks leading toward the north.
Amicalola Falls. This is part of the 729-foot cascade that makes it, arguably, the highest waterfall in eastern North America.
Part of the Len Foote Hike Inn. This is where we stayed. Accessible only via a five-mile hike, this is a classic wilderness lodge. Georgia is very lucky to have such a facility. Details tomorrow.

Thursday, July 24, 2008
Death Penalty
Humans spend trillions screwing up the Earth. But no money can be found to safeguard Nature from the depredations of those who would destroy it all for profit.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
First and Latest
This is the first outdoor shot I took with a digital camera, my Canon Powershot A80. On March 28, 2004 . I was hiking the Rocktop Trail in Crowder's Mountain State Park when I saw these two rock climbers scaling one of the cliffs near the summit:
The latest digital photo that I've taken was with the same camera (on July 19, 2008), which still works just fine, even though we now own a much better digital camera (also a Canon). This was taken in the station where I work and is one of the photos that I took for the short bit about my job (posted here a few days ago). Appropriately, it's quite an ugly photo and has the very nice title (provided by the onboard computer) of "IMG_0013". Haha.
Well, I'm leaving for a few days to go hiking in the mountains of northern Georgia. I haven't been back to the Georgia mountains for about three years, so I'm looking forward to it.
The latest digital photo that I've taken was with the same camera (on July 19, 2008), which still works just fine, even though we now own a much better digital camera (also a Canon). This was taken in the station where I work and is one of the photos that I took for the short bit about my job (posted here a few days ago). Appropriately, it's quite an ugly photo and has the very nice title (provided by the onboard computer) of "IMG_0013". Haha.
This has been a really good camera. It has never ceased to work perfectly. I've dropped it a number of times, and it just keeps doing the job for which it was designed: taking photographs. It has some scratches and dents (I once dropped it from quite a distance onto solid granite), but is otherwise working like new.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Too Hot to Think
Feeling lazy today because of the heat. Too tired to think much, so I'll make like Lilly and just lie around and be a lump.
Anyway, I'm trying not to think too hard about where Carole and I are headed in a few days. But you can read about the place here:
The Len Foot Hike Inn.
Anyway, I'm trying not to think too hard about where Carole and I are headed in a few days. But you can read about the place here:
The Len Foot Hike Inn.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Absolute proof that technologically advanced apes once reigned supreme over the Earth. This is a photograph (taken by Jeff Polston) of a profile in Hanging Rock State Park in North Carolina.
Humans must forever be vigilant that these space apes do not once again seek to retake the planet. (It's said they are biding their time somewhere in the outer edges of the solar system.)

Sunday, July 20, 2008
Backpacking the Future
For one thing, Carole doesn't backpack and I don't like being away from her for too long, so that bites at my conscience and tends to make me get lonely when the sun fades below the horizon and the darkness falls with the totality one only sees in the big outdoors.
Also, there's the job. It's very hard for
And I don't have a normal work week because the USPS works a six-day schedule. So I only have a normal weekend once every five weeks. This makes it tough to schedule a good string of days to go backpacking.
Plus there's the creative work. My novels demand a lot out of me. I enjoy creating works of fiction, but the worlds tend to be needy things. Characters constantly nag for attention. Plots constantly request revision. It's tough, sometimes, to have a novel that needs to be completed.
But, as I said, I'm getting old. There are only so many days left to me where I can physically carry a load of supplies on my back and hike into the mountains. I need to fill that dwindling supply of days with adventure.
Here's to a few more good years.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Work, work, work, work, work, work, work!
Since I rarely post anything here about my job, I figured I could post a few photographs of where I work.
This here is my "case". This is the small space where I collate the mail that's going out to the customers to whom I deliver each day. As you can see, I have decorated my case with some things to break the monotony. You've probably noticed the photo I printed of W. Moron Bush kissing Prince Fahd. Oy.
This is the view I get of the station when I turn around to see who's breathing down my back.

Part of our break room. Each morning I spend ten minutes in here violating photographs of Republican politicians.

After I deliver mail to the businesses at the mall, I head over to this apartment complex.

Often during the summertime when the humidity is high and the temperatures are in the mid-90s, as they were today, I spend quite the miserable time schlepping mail. On such days the sky is gun-metal gray rather than the blue that Mother Nature intended. This is due to the photochemical haze that human industry pumps into the skies. However, today the sky was a brilliant blue that was striking in its intensity. I suspect this may have had something to do with Tropical Storm Cristobal that had just formed off the South Carolina coast. Not sure. For whatever reason, though, the skies were crystalline and numbingly beautiful. It made working in the heat much more pleasant.
This here is my "case". This is the small space where I collate the mail that's going out to the customers to whom I deliver each day. As you can see, I have decorated my case with some things to break the monotony. You've probably noticed the photo I printed of W. Moron Bush kissing Prince Fahd. Oy.
This is the view I get of the station when I turn around to see who's breathing down my back.
Part of our break room. Each morning I spend ten minutes in here violating photographs of Republican politicians.
After I deliver mail to the businesses at the mall, I head over to this apartment complex.
Often during the summertime when the humidity is high and the temperatures are in the mid-90s, as they were today, I spend quite the miserable time schlepping mail. On such days the sky is gun-metal gray rather than the blue that Mother Nature intended. This is due to the photochemical haze that human industry pumps into the skies. However, today the sky was a brilliant blue that was striking in its intensity. I suspect this may have had something to do with Tropical Storm Cristobal that had just formed off the South Carolina coast. Not sure. For whatever reason, though, the skies were crystalline and numbingly beautiful. It made working in the heat much more pleasant.
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