Find a City, Find Myself a City.
I don’t like cities. I never have. I live in a city, but viewing the photos I’ve taken over the past few years, I realized that I took very damned few inside cities. This is largely because I tend to avoid cities when I travel, choosing to go to places as far away from urban areas as I can possibly go.
The fact that I don’t care for cities (of any size) came to me as I went through my catalog of photographs from my many vacations since I bought my first digital camera in early 2004.
The following are a few of the very limited number of photos that I’ve taken in cities since that time. Cities don’t inspire me. Most likely because I generally can’t tolerate crowds of lowing humans.
Bah, Humbug!
Helvetia, West Virginia. Yes, stretching the term "city", I know.
Part of the hideous shithole known as Hilton Head, South Carolina. I vow never to return to that overcrowded wasteland of sandy garbage.
Inside the Mellow Mushroom pizza restaurant in downtown Asheville, NC (a city I can tolerate).
Downtown Asheville, NC as a light rain changes over to light snow.
A small city we passed through in central Florida. I forget its name. It was okay and I didn't want to burn it down.
Saluda, North Carolina. A nice little town. It doesn't suck ass.
Nighttime at Reedy Creek Park in downtown Greenville, SC. Definitely a city that has a lot of charm.
In the Mast General Store in downtown Boone, NC. The city is far too crowded, but it doesn't completely suck.
Mystery city somewhere in the mountains of North Carolina. I can't recall where I was when I took this shot. Not that I give a rat's ass.
A place somewhere in Florida. Far too crowded, and it sucked, but I took this photo on the beach.
In downtown Key West, Florida. I liked Key West and will go back there.
Saint Augustine, Florida. It has streets where no cars are allowed. I like that.
Freeport, Maine. It's an okay place. The North Face outlet store is worth the trip.
Downtown Gatlinburg, Tennesse. A true human cesspool.
Once again, downtown Gatlinburg, Tenessee. I have no idea what this means.
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