Friday, January 19, 2018

Tolerance Level Exceeded.

There are two specific things I can no longer tolerate on any level or for any reason.

The first is racism. That shit is insane, and anyone who obsesses over the differences in skin color or ethnicity is beyond crazy. I don't put up with that crap anymore, no matter who they are. I no longer tolerate it when it comes from former friends or from relatives, or from acquaintances. 

The second thing is from a relatively new type of loony toon and they identify themselves with an obsession they have with something they call "chemtrails". If you bring it up, I know beyond any shadow of a doubt that you are a complete and total idiot. I have two words for you if you start talking about your belief in "chemtrails" and those two words are "FUCK YOU"!

That is all for today.

Those morons said "chemtrails", Gort! Disintegrate them now!

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