Thursday, March 05, 2015

Two New Pickups for the Comic Collection

I nabbed two more comics for the collection today. I rarely pass up a chance to get a rare Jack Kirby comic, and I did so with HEADLINES #33. This was one of the crime titles that he did for Harvey Comics in the 1950s when he and Joe Simon were producing book with their studio. There's a really nice amount of Jack Kirby artwork in this one. There is part of a page missing from one of the Kirby stories, but I doubt I'll see this book again any time soon.

HEADLINE COMICS #33 with a great Jack Kirby cover!

The other book I picked up is an old Atlas title. I'm not sure, but the cover looks to have been illustrated by John Severin, but I could be wrong. The first story was illustrated (and probably written) by George Tuska. There are also two stories that look like Dick Ayers did them.

I wasn't really looking to pick up another Atlas comic for my collection, but it was the right price for a really decent condition copy of OUTLAW FIGHTERS #1. I'll take it.

OUTLAW FIGHTERS #1. (Is that a John Severin cover?)

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