Thursday, January 29, 2015

Black Magic

I just added this book to my collection. It's one of the Prize Comics titles for which the Simon and Kirby Studios produced so many stories, assembling contents for the publisher's titles. In my estimation, Jack Kirby had a real talent for expressing dread and horror in his tales of mystery and suspense. In this book there are two stories written and penciled by Kirby and both of them are powerful. The second is particularly creepy as it deals with what we would these days call a "zombie". In the story a corpse in the morgue wakes up and begins a mindless rampage of violence and murder. I wonder if George Romero read this issue?!

BLACK MAGIC #25, July 1953.


  1. Joe Simon mentioned this book in his autobiography. What a great read.

  2. I need to read Simon's book. I actually met him once. And I watched a truly hideous encounter between Joe Simon and Stan Lee. You could practically see Simon's skin crawl.
