Sunday, April 27, 2014

Eight Days and Counting

Just eight more working days until we hook up the Casita and head to the Outer Banks. I don't really know what to expect, but I'm really looking forward to the trip. Other folk keep telling me that the drive to the Outer Banks is not the nightmare it once was now that several of the two-lane roads have been converted to four-lane freeways. We'll see. Our reservations for campsites are all done so we don't have to worry about that.

I suspect that bird life will be similar in variety and number to what I have witnessed in the low country of Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida. So I hope to take plenty of photos of birds while we're there. And alligators, of course. It would be nice to spot some whales. I haven't seen any pilot whales for many years, so I'm hoping to catch sight of a pod of them. We'll see.

These critters were all captured on photo images in Florida, but it's the kind of thing I'm expecting on the Outer Banks.

Gator. Waiting for dinner.

Osprey chick in nest.

Among my favorite and most present of large birds, the Great blue heron.

The Black vulture.

The Green heron.


  1. Wonderful photos. Here's to many more.

    Have a great break. Safe travels...

  2. I just have to make it through the next seven days of work...
