Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easy Sunday

After suffering hideous leg cramps yesterday evening (see my job as a letter carrier), I didn't feel like doing much of anything today. We journeyed to Carole's mom's place to eat dinner and mess about with the Casita. Getting within three weeks of our vacation to the Outer Banks, so we're pushing to get everything in order.

Other than that...all I've done today is rest and read. I haven't even written today.

Casita with azaleas.

The pink blossoms were fading, but the white blossoms were at full.

We planted these just a few years ago.

An azalea bed near the clothes line. We hung out all of the bedding from the trailer on the line today.

We missed the peak of the dogwoods by a few days. But this tall one in the back was spectacular.

I like to take a photo every year of the Casita sitting beneath the dogwoods in full bloom. But we missed the peak for the dogwoods by a few days.


  1. Good Lord, I'd forgotten how mind-roasting goddamned gorgeous spring could be way down South in Dixie! More incentive to bring my family home to Carolina.

  2. Yep. The South has that. Plus the temperate forests of the southern Appalachians which are unparalleled in North America for sheer variety and beauty.
