Friday, September 06, 2013

Miscellaneous Shots from Mount Rogers National Recreation Area

Here are just a series of miscellaneous photos that I took wandering around the Mount Rogers National Recreation Area.

Gnarly old tree in the Little Wilson Creek Wilderness Area.

Crossing Third Peak to head down to Scales. The big peak about to be covered in clouds beyond is Mount Rogers. The thunderstorm was moving in fast and I was in a hurry to get off the ridge. The horseback riders, however, were eager to ride right up into that shit.

Gnarly tree sitting isolated in a meadow between Second Peak and Third Peak.

Mother Nature reminding me that Summer is coming to an end.

Flower and little critter.

In the mist on Whitetop Mountain.

This is the upper part of the Fox Creek Falls. They're cascades, actually. Quite pretty. The water was silted because of nearby horse camps. Horses utterly wreck the trails and cause severe erosion. I'm sick of the National Forest having to cater to horseback riders.

These salamanders were sheltering under the wheel chocks of my travel trailer.

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