Monday, July 01, 2013

Wilson Creek?

Another possible choice for three days of wandering and camping would be the Wilson Creek area. Wilson Creek was added to our National Scenic Rivers some time back, and it certainly deserves to be included. It's a great stretch of water and the entire watershed is packed with amazing scenery.

The only problem is that it's also heavily visited. I'm not sure that I'd find the kind of solitude I'm searching for if I head there. The main draw for me is that it is packed with waterfalls, many of which I have not seen yet. So I may go in that direction.

One nice thing about western North Carolina--there is no shortage of amazingly beautiful places to see.

This was a campsite I scoped out last year in March. For possible use in warmer weather (such as now). My only problem is that this area might get crowded with other hikers and campers.

The gorgeous Wild & Scenic Wilson Creek.

No tweaking of lighting or colors. The water there really is that clear. And deceptively deep because of its clarity.

This is me at Harper Creek Falls. Near the campsite I posted above.

The trails in the Wilson Creek area are extremely well engineered and well maintained. Also, signed so that I don't have to worry about wandering off down the wrong route.

This is at Hunt Fish Falls. There's a great campsite at the top of the falls. But, again, it's super-popular and I'd probably have company, which I don't want.

This mountain is called Tanawha. Better known by its Anglo name of Grandfather Mountain. This is also the headwaters of Wilson Creek.


  1. Maybe you should try Spaniard Mountain in Georgia.

    I couldn't find any ground level photos of that area on google images, so not many people go there.

    There is a nice campground not far from that mountain. I can't remember the name.

    You might be able to find the 300 year old oaks that Jess Riddle cored.

  2. If I had more time I would hit that area. But I only have three days. Going there would mean that I'd spend the lion's share of two of those three days behind the wheel.

    I generally hunt for places that are within a two to three hour drive. That way I can leave early and arrive at a trail head by ten a.m. at the latest. After, I'm not facing a long drive at the end of a hike.

    But I do need to go back to the mountains of north Georgia. I haven't been in years.
