Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My First Trip with a Digital Camera (2004)

One of the toys brought to us by the computer age is the digital camera. It's my very favorite technological toy. I use the hell out of my digital cameras on every trip and excursion I take. Gone are the limitations of film. On a typical hike of even a single day I will take many hundreds of photographs. You don't have to worry overmuch how each photo will turn out because you can just erase the bad ones and move on to the next attempt.

These four photos were taken on one of the first trips I ever took when I had a digital camera along. It was in West Virginia on a camping vacation to Holly River State Park in early June of 2004. One thing that stands out about that trip is that it rained almost constantly, the rivers and creeks and waterfalls were flowing fiercely, and it was far too cold to go swimming.

The bridge over the New River Gorge.

The aptly named Shupe's Chute, a waterfall in Holly river State Park.

A "haunted" house we stumbled upon on a drive along a mountaintop road near Holly River State Park.

Mill Creek Falls in Kumbrabow State Forest.


  1. Yep, that's our bridge alright. You ought to come back for bridge jump day, when the base-jumpers come out in force. Great photos and lots of fun for all!
    As for the "haunted house", that's typical for a rural home here in WV... they don't keep them up nor painted cause tomorrow ain't promised to nobody round here!

  2. My wife and I love West Virginia. It's a rare year that we don't venture there at least once for a vacation.
