Monday, October 08, 2012

The Maze Sucks

Sometimes Carole has some ideas that turn out to be really good ones for wasting a few hours. We've been to some really cool museums and historical monuments because I didn't resist her suggestions to visit them. It finally got the the point where I just decided to go with the flow whenever she came up with something to do that doesn't fit in with my usual ideas of what is the norm for me--hiking, movies, photography, etc.

Saturday she arranged for us to go to the Maize Maze in northern Mecklenburg County. Yeah, I know what you're saying: "Bob. That sounds like it would suck shitty chimpanzee ass. Don't do it!"

But, as I said, Carole has pretty much rarely steered me wrong on these little past-times, so without any objection at all I went with it.

And I know what you're saying: "But, Bob! It will be a miserable and pointless experience!"

Well, okay, you were right. It did suck. It was a miserable and pointless experience. Boring. Totally stupid. I won't repeat that mistake again.

Still and all...Carole is generally good on the cool things to do on a weekend.

I go up on a stand to look down at part of the 7-acre maze. Did I mention this maze walk was to take place at night? We had flashlights and headlamps with us.

Corn. Imagine that.

Cute kiddie wagon.

Carole, Jackie, and Walter consult with other maze walkers.

Hm. More corn. At this point it began to rain. A lot. We quickly found a short-cut out of the fucking maze and drove home. Ah, well. You can't win 'em all.
Fuck the fucking Maize Maze.


  1. I had to take my wife and daughter to 2 homecoming parades last week. Not exactly my cup of tea. But in the immortal words of Red from That Seventies Show, "Being a man means having to do a lot of shit you don't want to do."

  2. I can't complain. Normally I end up loving these side trips she suggests.

    One thing I utterly whined about was the mining history museum in Beckely WV. She wanted to go and all I wanted to do was keep driving until we got to the park where we were staying so that I could go hiking. But I relented. Then, I had so much fun at that place I didn't want to leave. One of the best living history museums I've ever seen.

  3. Excuse me, did I miss something, or did you tell us what the pattern or shape of the corn maze was supposed to be. That's the thing... a new shape every year!

  4. I don't think it had a particular shape. It just sucked.
