Sunday, July 08, 2012

Carole's New Kayak, Brief Visit to See Family

I took a brief break from the novel to run out to pick up a kayak for Carole that we found on Craigslist. While on the run out, we stopped by to see my nephew and his family before rushing back to the house.

What did I see today with my one near-sighted eye and my one blind eye?

Our truck with our new (well new for us--it's a used item) Wilderness Pungo 120 kayak.

My nephew Mark and his wife Michelle.

My grand-nephew Harris and his tiny doggie Mimi.

My grand-niece Madison.

My grand-nephew Nolan.

This is Pepe. She is really sweet. And really small.

This little fellow is their totally fucking insane hamster. Do not put your hand in there or he will bite the shit out of it. Do not put your finger through the bars of his cage or he will bite the shit out of it. Do not put your nose to his cage or he will bite the shit out of it. He spends half his time climbing up and down the bars trying to figure out how to get out or just doing his goddamndest to bite through the metal. He is totally fucking insane. If he got out I am convinced that he would run right up to the nearest living thing and bite the shit out of it.

This is Sassy, their cat. She's pretty normal.

Tiny dog. I've forgotten its name. Very sweet and very damned tiny.

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