Friday, February 17, 2012

Gone Digital in Yellowstone

Back in the day I had a good 35mm film camera. Sometimes I'd go crazy with it and take as many as 36 photos in a trip. Then digital cameras came along. These days I'll take hundreds of photos over the course of a day on a typical vacation. You can imagine the fun I had with my SLR digital camera when I finally hit Yellowstone National Park.

Between me and Andy and Carole, we took literally thousands of photos on our Yellowstone trip.

This is the very first photo I took in Yellowstone after we'd crossed the park border from West Yellowstone (the town).

You can bet I wanted to get across the river and hike to the top of this peak.
And this was our first family photo inside the Park.

This was a swimming place in Firehole Canyon. At the time I figured that water must be cold as heck, but later I found out the water here is actually lukewarm due to the fact that this river drains one of the geyser basins. We'll have to go swimming here next time.

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