Sunday, December 04, 2011

Congaree National Park, February 2009

I thought I'd post a few photographs that I took while on a field trip with the folk from the Native Tree Society back in February of 2009. On that day we visited the Congaree National Park to view a number of the National champion trees that grow within that park.

I'll let most of the photos speak for themselves. I downloaded them at full resolution, so click on them to see them at larger, more detailed size.

When we started the hike, the temperature was well below freezing. I strongly suggest that any visit to Congaree National Park be in cool or cold weather, as the mosquitoes and ticks are vicious and in the billions there.

Between a big tree and a bigger tree.

This forest is astounding. One of the finest tree canopies I've seen.

This one is a world champion.

As we headed out from the day-long hike, we had occasion to use a fallen giant as a bridge across a body of water.

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