Wednesday, August 31, 2011

In Honor of Snow

Well, the super-hot weather seems to have finally broken here in Charlotte. It may merely be a short reprieve, but it made me think of the last time I saw snow, which was early this year on a vacation to Blackwater Falls State Park in West Virginia.

In honor of snow, here then are a few photos from that trip.

Yer blog host standing on the far side of Blackwater Canyon pointing across the chasm toward the Blackwater Falls Lodge where we were staying.

Stitched panorama of the really cool lodge. We love staying there!

Something a southern boy doesn't get to see very often. A lake completely frozen over and suitable for ice skating. In this case, it's Pendleton Lake just on the park border.

There is no shortage of white-tailed deer here in the East, but I don't get to see them grazing in a snowy field very often.

The pure power of Blackwater Falls.

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