Monday, March 28, 2011


There's a new short story collection out with one of my stories. DEAD BAIT 2 has just seen print from the publisher of my novel THE LIVING END (Severed Press). I got a huge kick out of writing the story for this one, "The Krang", which I covered in an earlier post. The thing about creating a story for this anthology is it got me interested in the short form again after spending so many years strictly creating novel length work. And, of course, it got me obsessing over new plots for novels.

What can I say?

I am looking forward to getting my contributor's copies of the book. There's a Ramsey Campbell story in this one, and he's probably--to my way of thinking--the greatest living writer of weird fiction. Nobody can create atmosphere the way Campbell can. He seems to actually transport you to the world he's writing about. This can be quite harrowing.

So buy a copy of DEAD BAIT 2.

Kickass cover to DEAD BAIT 2.


  1. Can't wait to see it either, glad to be in your company.

  2. Same here! Looking forward to reading that book!
