Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Zombies Coming!

Well, I turned in the final line-edits for THE LIVING END. I'm hoping that I didn't miss anything and that the editors catch them if I did miss a few. The book is now ready for publication and will be available for sale within the next week or so.

At any rate, I'm VERY excited about the release of my new novel. For years I wanted to write a zombie book and after a long delay in completing it I finally got a finished manuscript into my agent's office and out into the world. The folk at Severed Press seem to appreciate this kind of fiction, so the book's in good hands with that publisher.

One thing that I haven't mentioned before was rather interesting. About one week after we started final negotiations on the contracts with Severed Press, no less than three other publishers stepped forward to ask about publication rights for the manuscript. Talk about weird timing! But it let me know that I'd accomplished something special with that story.

Well, the book which first began to take shape in 2007 is now almost ready for publication. I can barely wait to get my hands on my copies and to start hitting the convention/bookstore circuit where I'll now have two novels to sell and autograph. And, later, when THE CLAN hits the shelves, it'll be three James Robert Smith novels.

I keep hoping to see the day I can write full time and walk away from the daily eight-hour grind of physical labor. We'll see.


  1. Phew...glad we moved quickly on this then

  2. Yeah, it was really weird. Two emails popped up just after you made the contact. Then a third a bit later. But Severed was first so we just wrote polite emails to the other folk explaining that the book was taken.

  3. I can't wait to read this! It's nearly impossible to find DECENT zombie fiction these days. What little you posted really caught my interest, and I'm something of a purist and hard to please. Thanks!
