Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Reluctantly Heading Home

Carole and I did NOT want to leave Blackwater Falls State Park. We were having such a good time and we still had things we wanted to see and do in the area. To make things even more painful, the snowstorm that had been predicted for days was just getting cranked up. There was about three inches of new snow on the ground with another half of a foot forecast before the storm would end. We debated staying over and playing hooky from work...but decided against it: our sense of responsibility kicked in. Too many Steve Ditko comics in my past, I reckon.

Here I was at Pendleton Point on the north rim of the gorge. I was standing on newly fallen ice/sleet/snow. If not for my Yaktrax (those guys need to pay me), there's no way I'd have wandered out on the cliff edge.

And here I am in largely the same spot in the summer of 2007.

This was taken on another cliff and I'm pointing across the gorge to the lodge where we spent three and a half great days.

This is actually the last photo I took as we were leaving the park. I used my telephoto lens to catch this one. The deer had been pawing in the snow to excavate whatever they were eating--grass or lichens or mosses--not sure which. This was in a kind of bog/wetland, so there's not telling what kind of vegetation they were eating.

Now buy my zombie novel, THE LIVING END!

Or my cryptozoology action novel, THE FLOCK!


  1. Very Cool! Sounds like a great trip!

  2. Bob, that shot of the deer is fantastic!

  3. Bob, that shot of the deer is fantastic!
