Friday, March 12, 2010

Rooms Booked!

Well, we're finishing up the planning of our trip to Yellowstone/Grand Tetons. All of our nights in Yellowstone are now booked. The place I wanted to stay in the Grand Tetons is full, so we're still looking at options there, plus thinking of extending our stay an extra day.

Ever since I was a little kid I've wanted to see Yellowstone. I would beg my parents to take me, to no avail. As an adult I was either always too poor or too busy to go. And now, finally, I'll get a chance to see this crown jewel of our nation's National Park Service. I'm going to be stressed waiting for the day when we head out (in August).

On the writing front, my latest book THE CLAN (second of the two-book deal at Tor) is progressing much better. I pretty much lost an entire week when we went to Los Angeles for the signing event of THE BLEEDING EDGE. But with some hard work I'll catch up to where I need to be.

I'm still awaiting word on the zombie novel that's now making the rounds to editors. With the current popularity of that genre sub-set I'm hoping that it sells in short order. I'd really like to see someone pick it up as a limited edition book, too. We'll see.


  1. Well, we decided on the place we want to stay in the Grand Tetons. Now we're just debating on whether we should stay an extra day.
