Tuesday, June 09, 2009

My Garden, m-hm

On Sunday we went out to the country where we keep our travel trailer. We washed the Casita and started getting her ready for our next long camping trip. We like to get things going well in advance of our departure dates.

Our Casita. We finally named her: Zoloft.

I took a good look at the awning that was damaged yet again during a torrential downpour. The first time the right side of the awning was damaged, and this time it was the left side. I've got it working in a kind of jury-rigged way, but I see what I'll have to do to fix it right. And to do that I'm going to have to remove the entire awning from the trailer and work on it on a level surface free of the Casita. I need a list of tools that I'm going to have to use, plus some rivets to effect the repairs.

This here's my garden, m-hm.

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