Thursday, December 11, 2008

100 Things I Hate

100 Things I Hate

(In no particular order)

1 G.W. Bush

2 Republicans

3 Libertarians

4 Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining

5 “Clean” Coal

6 Bubonic plague

7 Cruise missiles

8 Cluster bombs

9 Land mines

10 Troops

11 Dams

12 Urban sprawl

13 Rich people

14 Siblings

15 Religion

16 Patriots

17 Southerners

18 Northerners

19 Westerners

20 Midwesterners

21 Miami, FL

22 Brunswick, GA

23 NBC

24 CBS

25 ABC

26 FOX

27 HBO


29 Cable TV

30 Nazis

31 Global Warming Deniers

32 Holocaust Deniers

33 Single-Bullet-Theory Believers

34 Official-Version-of 9-11 Believers

35 NRA

36 Ed Koch

37 Mosquitoes

38 Cockroaches

39 Ariel Sharon

40 Extinction

41 Three Gorges Dam

42 Air pollution

43 Norway black rats

44 African big game hunters

45 Stone Mountain Park, Georgia

46 Six Flags Over Georgia

47 Disney World Orlando

48 Stan Lee

49 Dave Sim

50 Fascism

51 Adolph Hitler

52 Francisco Franco

53 Benito Mussolini

54 Neocons

55 William Kristol

56 Joe Lieberman

57 Pre-emptive war

58 Anthrax

59 Michael Jackson

60 ET

61 STAR WARS (all of them)

62 Peter Jackson’s KING KONG


64 Mariah Carey

65 John Birch Society

66 Flat tires

67 Poverty

68 Laissez-faire capitalism

69 Pol Pot

70 Khmer rouge

71 Donald Rumsfeld

72 Condoleeza Rice

73 Exxon-Mobil

74 Chevron-Texaco

75 British Petroleum

76 DuPont Corporation

77 Hemlock wooly adelgid

78 Chestnut blight

79 George HW Bush

80 Ronald Reagan

81 Dick Cheney

82 Agricultural runoff

83 Phosphate mining

84 PCBs

85 Ticks

86 Leeches

87 Cancer

88 Handguns

89 Blackflies

90 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

91 Chinese Communist Party

92 Jeb Bush

93 Diarrhea

94 Vomiting

95 High fevers

96 Sci-Fi Channel

97 Robert A. Heinlein

98 Ayn Rand

99 Objectivism

100 Commercial radio


  1. I know you stated "No particular order", but I find it interesting that in your train of thought, Stan Lee and Dave Sim came in higher than Adolf Hitler.

  2. I just wrote 'em down as they occurred to me. Stan Lee's on there because I hate seeing someone taking credit for another's work. Sim is on there because he holds some pretty poisonous ideas--which is not that bad a thing, generally, save that he's in a unique position to spread them and infect others.

    Hitler's good and dead. Sim is still alive, and I find his misogynistic rantings on a par with those of any neo-Nazi.

  3. Saw HWA and Chestnut blight on the list, but where's the gypsy moth? That one's gonna be a whole lot of fun as it flies farther south.

  4. Yeah, I've seen the effects of gypsy moth. Just one more monstrous invasive to fear.

  5. We had the Gypsy Moth plague come through the north East 20 years ago. It was horrible. We still see some of the littler buggers, but nowhere like we had.

  6. It did a lot of damage to Shenandoah National Park. I visited there during the worst of that.
