Wednesday, July 23, 2008

First and Latest

This is the first outdoor shot I took with a digital camera, my Canon Powershot A80. On March 28, 2004 . I was hiking the Rocktop Trail in Crowder's Mountain State Park when I saw these two rock climbers scaling one of the cliffs near the summit:

Climbers on the cliffs of Crowders Mountain

The latest digital photo that I've taken was with the same camera (on July 19, 2008), which still works just fine, even though we now own a much better digital camera (also a Canon). This was taken in the station where I work and is one of the photos that I took for the short bit about my job (posted here a few days ago). Appropriately, it's quite an ugly photo and has the very nice title (provided by the onboard computer) of "IMG_0013". Haha.


This has been a really good camera. It has never ceased to work perfectly. I've dropped it a number of times, and it just keeps doing the job for which it was designed: taking photographs. It has some scratches and dents (I once dropped it from quite a distance onto solid granite), but is otherwise working like new.

Well, I'm leaving for a few days to go hiking in the mountains of northern Georgia. I haven't been back to the Georgia mountains for about three years, so I'm looking forward to it.

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